Take yesterday for an example.
I went outside for my daily dose of vitamin D (at least twenty minutes) got myself comfortable and was enjoying the desert sun before it got to hot. All of a sudden a slight movement caught my attention. At first I could not make it out, was it a feather, was it a piece of paper the breeze was playing with, what in the world was it?
On further investigation I realized that the object was a feather being transported by a small ant. I know right!
We are told they can carry twenty times their weight but this piece for feather was five times as big as the ant.
Yes, curiosity got the best of me. I settled back and waited for what would come next.
The little ant dropped it's cargo, walked all over it, tried a new position and walked on for a few more inches. There was a rock in it's pathway and I pondered if I should move the rock or watch what the ant would do.
The evil side of me decided to just watch and see how the ant handled the situation. (A lesson for me maybe?)
What came next was surprising. He let go of his cargo,stopped, walked over and around the rock at least five or six times, stopped again! Next the ant picked up the feather at the very end and walked backwards over the rock!
It took several attemps but it made it over.
On the other side of the rock, somehow without dropping it, the ant repositioned the feather over its head as if it were an umbrella shading him from the heat. (Intelligence)! I watched the little ant for three feet or (20 mins.) drag that feather to the ant hill. The colony must have set it and moved in overnight. As the little ant approched the colony it was greeted as if it were a long last relative (more likely a super star) or the moving van with the last piece of furniture. After a few minutes of watching acrobactic manuvers the feather disappeared underground along with its transportation.
It dawned on me at that moment how social these little insects are. How determined to get a job done. Never giving up even to the death. They are amazing! Then out of the blue from the file cabinet of my mind came,
"Go to the ant, consider her ways, and be wise" . At that moment I realized that not only had I been entertained but was taught a lesson. I give up to easy sometimes. I want to quit with it gets rough sometimes, I want to put off tomorrow what I really could be doing today sometimes.... I'm talking about myself now, so don't take this personally unless the shoe fits you too. So, with this said if you ever want to be entertained cheaply and learn a lesson too go find an ant hill, watch and learn....OH, and the reason the ant is referred to as a "her" is because the males do nothing but breed with the queen and die shortly after, so all the workers are female!
Thank you for reading this and your time spendt. I do appreciate it. This is one of the things that I have been putting off doing for a long time...... writing my thoughts... Please leave me a comment, they too are appreciated.