Good-bye~ what does it mean really? A goodbye means that someone's departing: you say goodbye to your parents when you go off to college, and you also say goodbye to guest when they leave after a visit. The original goodbye, dating from the 1579's, was godbwye, which was a contraction of the farewell phrase "God be with ye!" definitions of goodbye. Goodbye's always have been difficult for me. Like so many of us the older I get the more it seems I am saying goodbye. I like the the phrase "God be with ye!", but I don't like saying goodbye! I like saying " I will keep you in my heart until we meet again", this will be my new phrase, It works better for me than goodbye. So to all those family and friends that have passed this life, " I will keep you in my heart until we meet again," to all my family and friends that live so far away or plan on moving far from me. "I will keep you in my heart until we meet again and always". | |
I begin with the statement "yesterday is gone". Gone with the wind like the sands of time, gone like the rivers that flow into the sea.
I haven't written in years and those reading this or my other blog writings from years ago will understand that I believe in freedom of speech. I believe in respect, respect of other persons, respect of life in general. So many things have happens to all of us over the past few years. I have gone thru Chemo and radiation, surviving Thyroid Lymphoma and Lymphoma. Like so many I have grieved over the loss of many family and friends. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed all of our lives and habits. I will be writing at least twice a week, sometimes more, it will depend on inspirations and of course my thoughts. I still have many memories to share. so until Facebook and Twitter and other media decide to stop being bias and trying to take away certain people or platforms from expression of speech I am leaving FB. I left Twitter many years ago. I will not belong to any group, organization, or part of anyone trying to take away our freedom of speech, or right to bear arms. Please feel free to comment at any time~ your thoughts, your opinion is as important to me as my own. I believe we all can agree to disagree but in a respect way. Today as I was crocheting and enjoying the quiet peacefulness of this day I was blessed with some inspirational thoughts and words. I rushed to write them down as fast as I could because If I didn't they would have been lost or scrambled in away that would have been of me and not the inspiration that they were. you can read all that I have written on just type in my name.
A Piece of Clay You lifted me up from the muck and mire, You lifted this piece of clay and made me into who I am today. The spirits of this world clung to me dragging me down, But, you O’ Lord lifted me and saved me from my sins. There is no greater place I would rather be than in the hands of the great “I Am”. I am now a jewel and no longer a piece of clay, I was lifted and marred by you O’ Lord. In the hands of the great “I Am” ,this piece of clay became a diamond, A diamond that shines brighter each day as he the potter marred all residues away. Jeremiah 18:4 And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter; So he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Many times in my life I have been given beautiful words and inspirations and lost them because I was disobedient to the prompting of the gift. At times they pour out of me and other times I am as a dry well. Now I know the reason behind my drought , I will thirst no longer.. ![]() I bow my head in silent prayer in reverence to what happened 12 years ago on this date. I bow my head in humble adoration of the young men and women that serve this country. The picture of this young man, my grandson that serves in the United States Air Force and the many others that stand ready to defend and die for the U.S.A. I salute you! How proud I am of you! How grateful I am for your service! That day 12 years ago, truly we were "one nation under God, indivisible." The world watched as we crawled out from under all the carnage; it watched the courage, compassion and the strength of the American people as we stood united regardless of our faith, color or creed. We watched once again as the Eagle flew high; it's wings soaring over the nation, watching and daring any one or thing to come within its' territory. A nation grieved twelve years ago for the thousands of lost lives, their families and friends. Today we remember and pray in reverence to them, "Please God, never again." I can't believe it has been over a year since I have written anything! I am at a cross roads in my life and truthfully undecided in which road to take. l know for a fact that ninety percent of you have stood where I stand now. There is a part of me that wants to write; share thoughts, stories, ideals; my problem is I want to write the way I talk. I don't want to be worried about language, grammar, I am not perfect. I am a product of my education, upbringing, habits, choices and external influence. Culture and tradition also play a great part in who I am. Today I would like to share a thought with you. What if everyone would embrace each others differences. What would happen if we truly took an interest in the multiple cultures around us. What if we shared and appreciated the beauty of all the individualities. What if all of us realized at the same time that humanity is not the center of the world, nor are we what keeps this earth turning. What if we realized, we just as the worm, trees, birds, mountains, oceans and streams are all connected in this world called life. There is not one more important than the other. Our survival depends on the other. There is no greater force than the ocean, can we tame it? Can we role back the waves? Are we not at the mercy of nature and all the forces? Are we not at the mercy of each other? What a thought that we could all live in harmony with each other and nature. What a thought that one day there could be world peace! Goodmorning America how are you? Things will be better soon, just a little while
longer and when the crap hits the fan all things will be clear and smooth sailing, of course everyone will be on Welfare, Food Stamps and a Social Health Care system, but hey isn't that what you wanted. We all had better get shovels to dig ourselves out of this mess; the crap is deep! Next step they will be telling us how we can pro-create, who can and when... all those over 60 and in ill health will be shipped off to die; or be injected just to help the process along... You won't need money any longer , you will be given vouchers, use them up too soon and OH Well! to bad for you... our current currency will have no value; of course they will send all the good monies to help the terrorist and illegals; they won't want to offend them... Also, they are wanting our school systems to fail so they can program the next generation toward their...what would you call it...way of thinking... sound familar... yes, I am being a little over dramatic this morning, but there is a lot of truth in what I say... if 47% of the people don't wake up...we will have four more years of selling out America, can you believe that!.... I am not blaming the President, he can't help himself; being caught up in the machine as he is....If we want change for America, everyone of us had better wake up, speak up, stand up and fight for what we believe in; while we as American's; and legal ones at that, can and still have freedoms left... I know this may offend and upset some what I am saying; but I listen to the other side all the time. The news media is so bias and one sided, twists the truth and thinks we are stupid. They think we can't see and discern for ourselves what is going on...and when one speaks up or disagrees with them, they try their best to ruin, disgrace and embarrass those that oppose them. Shame on them! It is my opinion that we have to decide which one of the two evil's we want in power! Personaly I don't like either parties Candidate at this time..we are at a fork in the road, which one we choose will decide and mold the future of future generations to come.. The dawning of Aquarius is over, Cancer has arrived!! It is up to you to decide which course of treatment you want. Choose wisely! God Bless everyone and God Bless America and those fighting for my freedom of speech! I hope no one will burn down an Embassy over this... "You two are in big trouble!"! That is what I remember screaming at my younger brother and cousin as I gently took the youngest cousin down from the ropes he was hanging on!
Gene Autry, Roy Rodgers, the Lone Ranger and Daniel Boone had nothing on those two boys; Tom and Steve. Tom my little brother was always packing a six gun, a couple of bowie knives, bow and arrows around his neck...He was only out dressed by Steve, who was just a tad older and of course had to aways be the Sheriff, good or bad! They loved to find different ways to get our youngest and smallest cousin, Gary, the one hanging from the tree to play along with them; so they could always have someone to shoot at, or hang! I was babysitter for them and many other younger cousins.. lunch time was always exciting, because it was then, when I was busy that they always seemed to get into some type of mischief. Now, in my defense I was a great baby sitter.. just happened to be kindred to some pretty crafty and imaginative cousins! I was reminded of this story as I watched a western the other night.. I can still see and hear all the activity and the faces of my younger brother and cousins. I learned early if a child became quiet to check out the circumstances quickly.. as I did that day. The boys had been whooping it up all morning and playing well together, so I go in to fix some lunch for us all, I could hear my own heart beat and my world was suddeny just to quiet... Tom and Steve swagger in the living room, arms at their side.. wiping their foreheads....I remember asking, " Where is Gary?" " Well the pole cat done stole his last horse, we 'hung em high'." that was their reply to me.... 'No, where is he?' Panic took over as I looked at thier smiles, I ran out side and there was ittle Gary, kicking and clawing at his neck! I ran over over and lifed him out of the ropes and prayed he would stop gasping and breath. Tom and Steve looked frightened as I felt. They were only playing. To hear Gary tell this story today, he swears they were seriously trying to hang him... Gary had rope burns for a week, let me say Tom and Steve had another type of burn....they did learn a lesson that day as I; accidents can happen at anytime even while having fun! Even to this day when I watch a western, I smile and think of the day when my little cousin Gary was hanging high! I am grateful that the rope was cheap; they only hung Gary a few feet off the ground so I could reach him...Boy! what a memory. Thanks for the memories boys! Sometimes we forget that others look up to us...sometimes we forget that others are busy too; so we feel hurt at their seemingly unconcern. A mother waits to hear from her children.... a call never comes, so she picks up the phone, no one is home... a grandmother sits alone in her room, waiting for a surprise visit; or if she is lucky enough to still have her husband, for him to acknowledge her.
A wife grows weary and wishes her husband would just talk with her; or sit quietly and hold her.... he is tied up on the computer, TV or game; even maybe in the garage doing his is it possible to be surround by many and feel alone? Sometimes we forget about those around us because they are always there. I know it is not all about me.....that stops when one becomes a wife, mother, grandmother, caregiver..... Compassion, love, understanding, helpfulness, unselfish acts.... Those things become your banner, armor and shield. You don’t dare cry…your armor is tough but could rust. You don’t dare complain….that won’t change a thing. So, you set in your golden years, battling thoughts and fighting back tears… it seems that no one understands that your mind and heart hasn’t changed, only the depth of the wrinkles on your face and hands. I wonder if men feel the same; they of course never care to talk about such things. So, we really don’t know! I have to admit that there are some men that are romantics, listeners, compassionate about the feelings of a woman; but I haven’t had the privilege to know one. I do know they exist. Maybe I have been so busy I never noticed them in front of me. The Golden Years are difficult; they are for me anyway. You remember how things use to be, you wish things could be the way you want them, you fear tomorrow; you fear never knowing what may have been had you paid more attention to those in your world. You fear you were to busy to make a difference; you fear you missed the chance to fulfilled your destiny. You fear, "did I even know my destiny?" The Golden years aren’t what they perceive it to be on TV, in books, or commercials. I believe I am living in the true reality that life in the Golden Years really is a fantasy; a fantasy where we convince ourselves everything is just fine and fun. Have I been so busy forgetting those around me because they were there, that I missed the dance? Have I been so busy I missed my Golden chance? I mentioned to my husband a few weeks ago that I would keep the kitchen floor mopped more if I had one of those new steam mops. I was half joking, but I really wanted one. So today, he came in from shopping with a smile on his face and a new steam mop for me! I just love my husband!
I had already cleaned and wiped down all the cabinets and drawers in the kitchen, so when he walked in with the new steam mop I had to stop what I was doing and mop the floor right away.( I love new toys!) I put my new mop together and was so impressed with it after I had mopped the floors, I thought to myself, what about the tile counters. You betcha, I went crazy steaming the counter tops, steaming the tile entry in the living room, I even steamed the tile in front of the fireplace. I wanted to steam my bathrooms, but that steam mop done wore me out! I am exhausted. So, tomorrow at the crack of dawn, I am going to start steaming again! FYI: Let us learn a little bit about what steam really is, and its power. Steam is water converted into an invisible vapor or gas by being heated to the boiling point; vaporized water; it is used for heating, cooking, cleaning, and under pressure as a sorce of power. Why we sometimes even blow off steam to express strong feelings, pent-up emotions. There is the steam bath, steam boat, steam broiler, steam engine, steamer, steam heat, steam iron, steam roller. We have steam rooms, a steam ship, steam shovel, steam table, even a steam turbine. Now we can add the steam mop. I did not realize how powerful steam could be! Steam effectively kills 98% of all germs too! I am so happy with my new steam mop! I only wish I had asked for one a long time ago! Thanks for letting me share my excitment with. I learned a lot today, about steam and also the old truth of " you have not because you ask not! " If you don't have a steam mop already then I recommend you invest in one. You will have a steaming good time! It's powerful! James 3:8-10
But, no one can tame the tongue it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men who have been made in the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. In Matthew 12:36-37 Jesus gives a solemn warning about the dangers of words carelessly spoken. We need to remember that God takes our words seriously, even when we ourselves do not. "Idle words, " that is words spoken carelessly without premediatation are often foolish or negative. Some of us even excuse ourselves by saying, "But, I didn't really mean it". The fact that the speaker doesn't really mean them does not in any way minimize or cancel the effect of the words spoken, nor does it release them from accountablity. In Proverbs 6:2 Solomon warns a person who has unwisely put up a security for a neighbor. This is only one of the countless ways in which people are "ensnared by the words of their mouth". One way in which we frequently bring upon ourselves various kinds of trouble, of which we do not understand the source, is by speaking negative about ourselves and or others. We all have heard about the sins of the father, the sins of the flesh, but what about the sins of the tongue? Be watchful of what you say because you will get what you confess with your mouth. Do any of these statements sound familar to you? " I get so angry", "I get so tired", "I get so busy with my life", or maybe, " my husband doesn't understand me", " my children don't appreciate me". " It is driving me crazy", "when ever there is a bug I catch it" " I can never make ends meet". The list could go on and on, but you get the picture. In Genesis God said " let there be light, God said " be fruitful and multiply", he didn't say "only if I could see light today", or, "only if they would multiply". We are all guilty of condemning and restricting our success in life, our happiness, our finances. We shut the door of opportunity and blessings of God by opening our mouths and speaking words of negativity. Not only should we keep our thoughts captive but also our words. We should learn to pause and count to ten before we speak, really think about what we are going to say before speaking it. We should ask oursleves how the words we speak impact our thoughts and emotions. Will our words be uplifting and edifying to ourselves and to those whom we are speaking or referring? The main vehicle of both blessings and curses is words. Such words may be spoken or written or merely uttered inwardly. Scripture has much to say about the power of words. The book of Proverbs in particular contains many warnings as to how words may be used either for good or for evil. The sins of the tongue are one of the snares of the enemy. He doen't want us to realize and understand the power of the tongue. According to God's word life and death are in the power of the tongue. We must be decisive, disciplined, dedicated and determined to use our tongue to edifly ourselves, our families and the body of Christ. We can no longer allow the sins of the tongue to destroy that which God has so graciously given.... Our Blessings. By, LaVerda |